Category | Standard Rate |
Single Categories | R4175.00 ($261.00) |
Campaign & Multiple Component Entries | R 6315.00 ($395.00) |
Craft Categories | R 3115.00 ($195.00) |
Student Single Categories | R855.00 ($55.00) |
Student Campaign | R1,315.00 ($85.00) |
Category | |||||||
Standard Rate | |||||||
Single Categories | |||||||
R4175.00 $261 | |||||||
Campaign & Multiple Component Entries | |||||||
R6315.00 $395 | |||||||
Craft Categories | |||||||
R3115.00 $195 | |||||||
Student Single Categories | |||||||
R855.00 $55 | |||||||
Student Campaign | |||||||
R1,315.00 $85 |
Payment can be made by one of the following options:
The Loeries accepts Visa and Mastercard online credit card payment.
Account details are provided on the invoice.
For electronic bank transfers, please send proof of payment to
To enter the awards you must be a member of the Loeries, and your annual membership is automatically included in your entry fee. As soon as you have paid for an entry, you have full access to the Loeries Archive, dating back to 1978. A portion of each entry fee (R500) is an annual membership fee, which is included in the entry fee. Annual membership is one calendar year and expires on 28 February of each year. The member is the company that submits the entry.
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